Coming Soon!!!
Website for Richard Fitzpatrick
Now under development, a website showcasing the life and achievements of Richard Fitzpatrick.
Richard has had a diverse and successful career as a high-tech entrepreneur, a 4-term Michigan Representative, had served as spokesman for the Grand ‘Ole Opry, CEO of a publicly-traded corporation, a highly-decorated combat veteran, accredited angel investor and a national leader in palliative care, eHealth and interactive gaming. Known as a maverick, independent pioneer in public policy development, Richard established a reputation for being on the cutting edge, identifying trends before they become obvious. Both principled and practical, Richard is foremost a problem solver with a proven capacity for developing mutually profitable alliances and public/private partnerships. For the past decade, he has worked with legislatures, state agencies and advocacy groups helping establish standards for the legalization and regulation of cannabis. He’s now involved with developing national standards for integrating medical cannabis into the practice of medicine and for permitting and regulating of the use of psilocybin and other natural therapeutics.
Richard combines courage, vision & high energy to make things happen – and has fun doing it!
Contact: richard@richardfitzpatrick